
Welcome to U3A Eastern Suburbs website


Thank you for exploring our website. We hope you will find groups of interest and would like to join us.


We are self funding mainly by our annual subscription of $25 per person. Your subscription entitles you to join as many groups as you wish. Please look through the list of our Interest Groups to see what we offer. We look forward to welcoming you to Eastern Suburbs U3A.


U3A, University of the Third Age, is a world-wide organisation for older people - retired or semi-retired - who wish to continue learning. There are no entrance requirements and no awards or certificates. The atmosphere for learning is informal and relaxed. There is no hierarchy of learning or decision making. U3A belongs to its members.


About us

U3A Eastern Suburbs, Wellington, was set up in 1991. It draws members from Miramar, Seatoun, Hataitai, Kilbirnie, Strathmore, Breaker Bay and Lyall Bay. Members choose from a range of Interest Groups which have been decided by members and which meet in private homes, community centres and local halls. On each 4th Wednesday of the month there is a general meeting with an invited speaker. Meetings are held during the daytime.


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